An essential part of any serious iOS based studio. Magic digital patchbay!
I began recording in 1993 with a Tascam 424 PortaStudio, so Ive seen many technological advances in music production. The power that a current iOS based studio has is near the top of the list of the most amazing. A small slate can, with the right apps and a few bits of outboard gear, produce results that are on par with full DAW based pro studios.
But that amazing power and ease of use would be impossible without one app, Audiobus. This app is ESSENTIAL if you want to really make serious recordings on the iPad, etc. It connects the the great iOS apps and amazingly makes them them "play nice" with each other. I use Auria as my main DAW and Audiobus is my choice over IAA because the visual feedback is nice plus the latency and hiccups are virtually nonexistent.
Like a good USB interface, the Apple USB to Lightning adapter and good mics and instruments, Audiobus is required equipment for the iOS studio. And get the routing upgrade because it makes the apps usefulness expand tenfold.
JRSIV1975 about
Audiobus 2